Thursday, November 17, 2011

What Do I See When I Look Out In This Streets?

Color makes the world a better place because like when i see white people and black people i look at the difference between them.when i look at white i think myself why do white people get this and how did they get that, but when i look at black people i think like why don't we get the stuff that the white people get we worked hard too its like slaver all over again.

I say its slaver all over again because i look at black and see how we are living and then i look at white people and i see most of them happy and they get it easy. There are more blacks then whites living on the streets,getting pregnant,selling drugs dropping out of school and i see more white people going to college then blacks,that's because we struggle to get the things that we want and that we need. Most Whites be on movies but all we get is our own music video.That's how i see the world.

I think when Jonas learn about colors he was excited because when he saw Fiona hair change color he thought something was wrong with her and so he went to the giver to ask him about colors. i found a good quote "there were many colors and one of them is called red" i pick that one because Jonas didn't know what was red.

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