To me color is important but at the same time its not. Color makes me procieve in this world because it make the world fun. Color is also important because if it was black and white or just black it would be dark and it would be voilent.
Color isnt important because to me im so used of it being dark and because of the simple fact I like it dark I would love it if it was dark. Color is important and not important at the same time.
Jonas just started to get his color when one day he woke up and went to school. He had a good day at school he caught up with Fiona the love of his life.They road there bikes and were talking for a minute. Jonas really doesnt want to get away from Fiona but he had to because she had to go and he had to got to his TRANING. That messed up his talk with fiona. Jonas knew that it was something different about Fiona hair but he just couldnt pick it out. He told The Giver and The Giver told him that it was foinas hair color. Jonas didnt know what hair color was so he had another treatment and he now sees COLOR.
this is very interesting