Thursday, November 17, 2011

What Do I See When I Look Out In This Streets?

Color makes the world a better place because like when i see white people and black people i look at the difference between them.when i look at white i think myself why do white people get this and how did they get that, but when i look at black people i think like why don't we get the stuff that the white people get we worked hard too its like slaver all over again.

I say its slaver all over again because i look at black and see how we are living and then i look at white people and i see most of them happy and they get it easy. There are more blacks then whites living on the streets,getting pregnant,selling drugs dropping out of school and i see more white people going to college then blacks,that's because we struggle to get the things that we want and that we need. Most Whites be on movies but all we get is our own music video.That's how i see the world.

I think when Jonas learn about colors he was excited because when he saw Fiona hair change color he thought something was wrong with her and so he went to the giver to ask him about colors. i found a good quote "there were many colors and one of them is called red" i pick that one because Jonas didn't know what was red.

Warm Up : The World Is DANGEROUS !

It helps me by telling me how the world can be and how people can be. Some parts of the world are the best and some parts are bad and has a lot of  violence .W all have different thoughts because we all think differently. Other places are dangerous because of the people. The World Is DANGEROUS !

People always see the world in a different perspective, Everyone might say the world is lovely and its peaceful. NO, that's not true. I, Aneia perspective is the world is  a DANGEROUS place at times. Almost like the devil is running us around making us do things, also when people do things that is  wrong and it makes the worl an even unsafe place to be in.

The Giver : It was kind of about how Jonas figured out about color, and The Giver gave him kinds of thoughts and feelings about color in their world. It was interesting because I thought they had color in their world.


To me color is important but at the same time its not. Color makes me procieve in this world because it make the world fun. Color is also important because if it was black and white or just black it would be dark and it would be voilent.

Color isnt important because to me im so used of it being dark and because of the simple fact I like it dark I would love it if it was dark. Color is important and not important at the same time.

Jonas just started to get his color when one day he woke up and went to school. He had a good day at school he caught up with Fiona the love of his life.They road there bikes and were talking for a minute. Jonas really doesnt want to get away from Fiona but he had to because she had to go and he had to got to his TRANING.  That messed up his talk with fiona. Jonas knew that it was something different about Fiona  hair but he just couldnt pick it out. He told The Giver and The Giver told him that it was foinas hair color. Jonas didnt know what hair color was so he had another treatment and he now sees COLOR.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What I, Aneia Did In Class .!!!!!!!!

Sameness is the same. I'm affected by not  having a BIG deal on sameness, but I do on Uniqueness. I think people control sameness or GOD , because he teaches things we all should know and know how to feel. GOD teaches everything I have NO feelings becausenov  it does not really pop up in my head as much or should i say NEVER.

And NO, because everybody would mostly have the same thoughts and feelings!

SomeThing I Think About?

If  I wasnt alive what would the world be like?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This is What Chapter 11 iss all About .

What we read on chapter 11 is that Jonas' was still discovering the new exciting things he DID NOT KNOW ABOUT!!!! He did not know about Clouds, Chairs, Basketball, Movies, etc. He only had 3 books in his house!!! The Giver was telling Jonas'about a lot of things that he will discover because he is the Receiver of Memory!!!! Jonas later then discovered more and more things that The Giver talked about!!!

Jazmin and Charly OutSidee Havin Fun

This is What Jazmin Did the Pass weeken

well First my sister had came over to my house and we went to the mall then saturday we had went to my godsister party she was turning 4 after that we went to the skating ring and everybody was there and it was my little sister BirthDayy and then on saturday we went to my grandmother house to have a early thanksgiving it was good we had a lot of food well that was all i did but i cant wait this weeken....

This is jazmin Another owner of this blog

What charly did over the weekend

This weekend I went to see the movie paranomal activity 3. Most people might say  it was funny but to me to me it was very SCARY. I use the bathroom on myself I never want to see that movie again I DONT LIKE IT NO!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

HomeWork: The Giver

Quotes: pg. 50 2nd paragraph , "Thats enough, Twenty - Three!"

Reflections: We all want to kno whats his expression is going to be like when he founds out .

Question1: Who is Chief Elder?
Question2:Does Fiona like Jonas?
Question3:What does "Exasperated mean ?

What Aneia Did This Past Weekend !

Well , This Weekend I Went Over Kortneyss House & We Did EVERYTHING!
  1. We Went To The Movies.
  2. Made Up Dances.
  3. Talked on The Phone.
  4. & Etc.
But We Had So Much FUN !

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This is another one of our owners just taking a RANDOM PICTURE!

One of our Owners of This Blog !

what we did in class was we had to hear from each other perspectives without commenting on each other. Jazmin- I didnt like it because i couldnt say what i wanted to say.
Aneia- It was HARD for me because I had a lot To say to others.

Reflection & Questions

Reflection from all of us: We are enjoying the book so far, we want to know more about the book and whats going to happen in the next chapter.

  • Why does not the Mother pop up as much as the son and Father?
  •  Whats the point of giving the child a number but not a name?
  • Why do you think they gave Jason a job like that?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Giver

Lily- ''Well, no,I guess not''
the father- '' hippo''

Why did Jonas get the same job as his dad has?

We have rules at our school and here in our contry
here in washington D.C.  at the age of  18 you are EXPECTED 
to get a job or go to collage


Jazmin: I really enjoy this book and also it is interesting and when I found out that something was hiding in the book it looked like it was "camoflage'. And it Jumped right out.

Aneia: I think the book is spectacle and also that it is like a spectrum, because it has a lot of emotions in the "The Giver".

Charly: I like the book because it really makes me think about things that I am grateful for and that I am lucky yo have in my life.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Quotes from " The Giver"

The Mother- ''This talk  will be a private one with jonas''
The Father -''I call him gabe actually''


Apprehensive: Anxious or fearful.
Bewilderment: Confusion
Chastisement: verbal punishment.
 Infraction: The act or instinct.
Nondescript: Lacking. 
Pondered: To weight. 
Transgression: A violation. 
Petulantly: Unreasonably irritable
Disposition: The act of disposing.
Indolence: A situation or state.

The Giver

The Giver is about when kids are born the dont have names they have to earn their names and when they turn 12 they are giving jobs. I would never want to have a job while im 12.